Senior Dog Care
(Palliative and Preventative Care)
Given the feature of our mobile business, the majority of patients we see are older, less mobile pets that cannot be taken to a regular veterinary clinic. For some pets, it is too stressful, they can be difficult to move or are too heavy to be picked up to be transported. Our goal is to help improve their quality of life and ensure that we can provide the best care we can so they can age gracefully and live a pain free happy life.
Our passion is to be able to educate you in ways that can help you and your pet achieve optimal health and longevity.
There are several things that happen to dogs and cats as their age and things we can do for your pet:
Problem #1:
- Arthritis, or degenerative disk disease develops, and reduced mobility becomes an issue. This is painful and significantly decreases their quality of life.
- We can provide medications and supplements that will decrease the pain and inflammation so your pet can move more efficiently and is able to enjoy life.
- PEMF and laser can be incorporated weekly (a detailed description in our page under services will explain how they work) so it can help decrease inflammation and provide blood flow to the area. Joint areas have lower blood flow, making it harder for inflammatory cytokines to be removed by the immune system.
Problem #2:
Senior pets start to lose significant muscle mass called "Sarcopenia". When their muscle mass is decreased, their bone density decreases and they loose their strength and their ability to stand up, walk, or jump.
- We have been using a promising treatment called "Dogosterone", which is Testosterone hormone replacement therapy for both male and females. Both males and females make testosterone (females significantly less of course), and it is important in muscle growth, strength and tone. Spayed and neutered dogs are placed into menopause the moment they are spayed/neutered. This decrease in hormones creates a cascade effects and deficiencies seen when they are older.
- We use testosterone anabolic (muscle building) properties to help your pet build muscle and increased bone density to help with strength. Once we ensure your pet is a candidate, they will receive a once-a-month injection.This treatment is for dogs only.
- For more information please visit Dogosterone website
Problem #3:
Their ability to make digestive enzymes decreases and the higher stomach PH from eating kibble can prevent them from absorbing key nutrients to support the immune system and organ function. KIBBLE is pro-inflammatory. We have seen drastic changes in mobility once we remove your pet from kibble and give them nutrients necessary to help decresase inflammation in the body. This is only achieved with a WHOLESOME diet. Supplements alone will not work. is like squirting a little water in a burning large fire.
- We can provide with supplements and enzymes that can help support your ageing pet's digestion. in addition to a species appropriate diet.
- Senior pet's protein requirement is higher to compensate for sarcopenia and their ability to produce antioxidants to combat oxidative damage is decreased.
- We will design a diet that is optimal for muscle building, rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that will provide optimal nutrition that will support the ageing body.
Give us a call to get started so we can help you and slow down your pet's ageing process and improve their quality of life. Is never too late!