Services Provided

  • Physical examinations
  • Vaccinations and rabies certificates
  • Second Opinions
  • Microchipping
  • At home humane euthanasia (please see euthanasia page for more information)
  • Senior dog care and comfort
  • Cancer pain management
  • Dermatology
  • Ear infections
  • Itching
  • Allergies
  • Parasite diagnosis and treatment
  • Orthopedic consult 
  • Minor surgery (will need to consult first to determine whether I can perform surgery at your home or need to refer to the clinic to perform under anesthesia)
  • Laboratory diagnostics
    • In house bloodwork
    • Advanced bloodwork will be sent to the lab
  • Tumor check



We are very excited to add a new treatment in order to help accelerate healing and treat your pet's conditions.

What is cold laser?

Cold laser uses a specific wavelength that once it is directed to the affected area, it accelerates its cell's metabolism. The wavelength is transferred to the cells into joules and converted into energy (photochemistry) by the mitochondria (which is the powerhouse of each cell). Once the mitochondria gets energized, it accelerates cell function and stimulates chemicals and cells to move to the area treated in order to facilitate healing and decrease inflammation.

We currently offer a multiple session package. To facilitate  multiple sessions, we offer to come out to the car and laser your pet if you can bring to our facility. 

Conditions for which cold laser can be used to help your pet includes:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Anal gland Issues
  • Ligament injuries
  • Wound Healing
  • Oral Ulcers
  • Feline Stomatitis




"Discovered in the mid-19th century, ozone has been used medically for over 100 years for its immune-modulating, antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer effects.1  “Cancer has only one prime cause…the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of body cells by an anaerobic (oxygen-less) cell respiration,”2  concluded Otto Warburg, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1931. The three-oxygen, unstable molecular structure of ozone challenges cancer cells that have evolved to survive in an anaerobic environment. Research has also shown that while in an oxygen-rich environment, healthy cells produce an enzymatic protective layer around themselves that repels viruses, bacteria, and fungi,2 all potential precursors to the development of cancer. Ozone targets cancer cells that do not have this protective cell membrane layer, contributing to apoptosis of the unhealthy cells. Ozone therefore contributes to the formation of healthy cells as well as the destruction of unhealthy ones."


Ozone is a gas with 3 oxygen molecules attached (O3). Two stable and one unstable.  When ozone is delivered rectally, it will get absorbed by the main rectal vein and will go directly into the body's circulatory system, bypassing the liver. Once it gets to the cells, inside the cells it will split into O2 (oxygen) and the unstable oxygen extra atom will bind with hydrogen creating hydrogen peroxidase. The oxygen (O2) will go to the mitochondria and allow it to use it and create more energy for the cell by entering the electron transport chain inside the mitochondria (The powerhouse of every cell). The hydrogen peroxidase molecule will activate the NRF2 pathway that will stimulate antioxidant production.


Both increasing the metabolism of the cell by stimulating the mitochondria and stimulating the production of antioxidants will help in Inflammation, Infection and cancer. This stimulation will allow your pet's body to fight off disease.


We provide packages of 10 sessions and recommend two sessions a week. It is painless and very fast. Your pet comes to our facility, we administer the ozone rectally using a ozone safe soft plastic rectal catheter and will take no longer than 5 minutes. We have seen a prolonged lifespan in our cancer patients using ozone twice a week.


PEMF (Pulse electromagnetic frequency)

To understand how PEMF works, it is helpful to think of our cells as batteries. Each cell membrane has both positive and negative charges. These electrical charges make it possible for our cells to exchange potassium, calcium, and sodium ions. A resting cell is more negatively charged on the inside, and more positively charged on the outside. The electricity formed by this flow of charges carries signals throughout the nervous system. By directing low frequency electromagnetic waves in short bursts to the body, PEMF essentially recharges our cellular batteries, restoring their positive and negative charges. This optimizes the body’s ability to self-heal and self-regulate by restoring cellular communication.
By recharging cells with a mild electrical magnetic current, the release of pain and inflammation mediators can be slowed or stopped. PEMF also increases blood blow to the injured area, which speeds healing. PEMF will simulate blood flow the the area treated helping the tissue to get more oxygen and energizes the cell and optimizes their ability to exchange ions and be more efficient.
We have seen PEMF work great with pets who has spinal arthritis and disk disease. Also, in pets with kidney disease, we place the frequency on the kidney area to stimulate blood flow.
We offer packages of 10 sessions and recommend at least one session a week. Once your pet is doing well, we can transition to every two weeks and then to monthly treatments.